The Public Health Approach
Public Health is the engagement of societies in disease interventions among populations.
The founder of Rose Foundation, is a Master of Public Health graduate from Boston University, School of Public Health. It was during her time as a student at BUSPH, that she learned that domestic violence is preventable, as many other public health problems.
Since the 1980’s, domestic violence has rightful been recognized as a public health issue, a departure from the traditional thinking of it being just a human rights issue. The outcomes of domestic violence affect individuals health, whether it is in non-fatal injuries, mental health or social wellbeing and at a societal level a loss of investments and a huge health expenditure.
By using the primary approach, RF emphasizes on collective action of different sectors such as health, social services, judiciary, education, and religion, to prevent and alleviate domestic violence.
The primary approaches that RF uses are: early childhood and family-based approaches, school-based approaches, community-based prevention and public information and awareness campaigns.
RF targets risk factors that are aimed at achieving gender equality, non-violent community environments, changing social norms, (e.g. wife-beating), reducing exposure to harsh punishment of children and promoting healthy child development, poverty reduction among women, and building skills for healthy relationships. These are key strategies for reductions in intimate-partner violence.
Why the Rose Foundation
The founder of Rose Foundation is a survivor of domestic violence. She named the foundation after her late mother Peninah Rose Wali, a wife,mother, teacher and community activist. Because of her advocacy for women in her village, she was nominated as a councilor from 1962-1964. Among the organizations she served were Kenya Water for Health Organization (KWAHO), Taita Environmental Management Alliance(TEMA), Taita/Taveta Rights Forum, Maendeleo ya Wanawake, and Mothers Union of the Anglican St. Luke’s Church. In her life time she traveled to women’s world conferences in Russia and France to represent women in her village. At the time of her death in 2012, at the age of eighty, she was still an activist in her community.
From the Founder
I believe domestic violence is preventable. The Rose Foundation activities include: social education and outreach, public information and awareness campaigns, training on domestic violence and capacity building.So far I have led my team to successfully implement locally what I learned working for four years in domestic violence shelters in the United States, by contextualizing the problem of domestic violence to the Kenyan situation. In addition, working at the Gender Violence Recovery Center at NWH, exposed me day-in-day- out, to the heart rending ordeals of women and children in Kenya.I strive to work for victims and survivors, but at the same time have a rallying call to my country , to prevent domestic violence before it occurs.Domestic violence prevention is my life long commitment. My dream solidified when I published my autobiography titled, the Triumph of My Life: Domestic Violence and Society’s Thundering Silence.The book details the domestic violence I endured in my nine-year marriage. The book deals with issues such as the silence and cultural norms that fuel domestic violence in Kenya and offers examples on how each one of us can help alleviate the epidemic.
When you buy the domestic violence autobiography of RF founder, a percentage of the proceeds will sustain the future of the foundation

In a way by telling my story, I have immortalized my experience and I believe this book, and subsequently the foundation will help bring light in the darkness of oppression for so many women and children in Kenya and around the world.
Trustees and the Board
Our team has diverse experience. Different competencies, knowledge and skills gives our team great advantage in understanding what needs to be done and what is the best redress of domestic violence issues.
- Ethel Makila-Communications Manager, Kenya
- Yussuf Dimoso- Attorney at Law, Zanzibar
- Johnson Mwakazi, Founder, The Royal Voice. (Former Citizen TV Host)
- Esther Kisaghu-Founder, Author & Public Health Activist , Kenya
The Board
- Chairperson-Esther Kisaghu, Public Health Activist, Author & Founder, Kenya
- Vice-Chairperson-Liz Mwambui, INGO Consultant, Kenya
- Secretary-Lilian Wakoli, Teacher, Kenya
- Vice-Secretary-Mercy Mkala, Psychologist, Kenya
- Treasurer-Eric Simiyu, Director, Kenya
- Vice-Treasurer-Maxmillian Rajula, IT Specialist, Kenya
- Member-Eric CB Nelson, Reverend, USA
- Member-Tomoni Mwamunga, Fellow, USA
- Mathias Muyela, Religious Leaders Training
- Jane Asava, Teen Dating Violence Training
- Elias Mwangi, IT and Program Coordinator